Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The 10 Golden Rules of Blending

There are several benefits to eating blended raw foods (smoothies, raw soups, etc.), beyond their convenience. In this article, I will provide you with some essential information about blended foods. I will give you some of the best pieces of advice I have found over the years, my golden rules of blending. Here we go...

1- Thou Shall Make Blended Raw Foods on a Regular Basis.

Blending is a great way to consume fruits and vegetables, for several reasons:

a- Its convenient. We can make a big smoothie in a flash when we dont have time to prepare a dish or sit down and chew a bunch of apples. Smoothies make great, ready-to-eat meals that can be consumed immediately or brought along to work, to outdoor activities, etc.
b- Its healthy. Blending raw fruits and vegetables breaks them down into particles that are easy to assimilate by the body. This is especially important, considering the fact that many of us do not chew well enough and/or have compromised digestion.
c- Its tasty. Raw soups, smoothies, etc., are super tasty everybody loves them. Youll have no trouble converting your family or kids to become fruits and vegetables lovers with blended raw foods.
d- Its great for children. Blended raw fruits and vegetables are the ideal baby foods and can be added to a childs diet from an early age.

2- Thou Shall Use a Vitamix.

What is a Vita-Mix?

a- A $400 blender.
b- The most essential kitchen tool youll ever use.
c- The best blender on the planet.
d- All of the above.

Answer: d, all of the above!

Ok, first of all let me say that I do not work for the company Vitamix nor do I make a profit by recommending their product. Im just a happy user.

I once used a traditional blender, and then got a Vita-Mix, and never looked back. Its the best investment I ever made for any kitchen tool!

Ask any Vita-Mix owner and theyll tell you how awesome the machine is. They will also probably tell you that they use it almost everyday. I do.

Its simply the best to make smoothies in a flash, in a large quantity, make dressings, raw soups, etc.

With a regular blender you cant achieve the same texture with the same ease as you will with the Vita-Mix.

So for all of those who wonder, What the best blender to use?, youve got your answer. Although there are other high-quality blenders, Ive never tried one that matches the Vita-Mix, a machine thats been around for decades.

If you dont have a Vita-mix, you can continue using your regular blender, but definitely put that in your wish list.

3- Thou Shall Throw Away the Recipe Book That Comes With the Vita-mix in the Trashcan.

When you buy a Vita-mix you get a little booklet of recipes and instructions on how to use the machine. Although the Vita-Mix company has great marketing and a great product, I dont really know who they hired to come up with those recipes. Its the worst combination of completely vile mixtures of food you can imagine.

When you buy a vita-mix, used or new, just throw away the recipe book that comes with it. Burn it, recycle it, do anything you want with it but do not use it!

Instead, learn the proper recipes, which are no-brainers by the way. Ive included all the most essential raw soup and smoothie recipes in my new book, Instant Raw Sensations.

4- Thou Shall Not Try to Make Ann Wigmores Recipes.

I dont have anything against Ann Wigmore. She certainly contributed a lot to the health movement. She also wrote a lot about the benefits of blended foods, and wrote a book called The Blending Book. That book contains great ideas and information, but the recipes arent very appealing. Theyll likely turn off most people who are interested in raw foods!

So if you ever thought that raw soups werent your thing after you tried some of Ann Wigmores recipes, dont desperate! You can come up with much better ideas with only a few good examples to follow.

5- Thou Shall Blend as Briefly as Possible.

When we blend foods, oxygen mixes with the food particles. This process creates oxidation big time, meaning that each particle of food becomes exposed to oxygen, which contributes to destroying the nutritional value.

The key to benefiting from blended foods while keeping oxidation to a minimum is to blend for as little as necessary. Learn to use your Vita-Mix or blender, so that you do not need to blend for a long period of time.

A good way to do this is to use the Vita-Mix 10-speed feature. Start at the lowest speed (this doesnt create much oxidation), and as you progressively add in the ingredients, increase the speed. Then blend at high speed for a few seconds only, and bring the speed back down before turning the power off.

6- Thou Shall Clean Thy Vita-mix Immediately After Using It.

The Vita-mix, or the blender, is easy to clean. Heres how to do it. Immediately after using it, pour out your concoction, and then fill half of the blender with water and a little dish soap. Then blend this at high speed for about 15-20 seconds. Rinse once or twice and bingo, your container is completely clean and ready to use!

Problems arise when we wait to clean it. Then all of the stuff dries out an becomes hard to clean. Then we complain, This is too much trouble.

The key is to clean the blender immediately after using it. Not 5 minutes later. Immediately. I guarantee that youll save a lot of time and trouble this way.

7- Thou Shall Try as Many Combinations as possible, but Thou Shall Not Try to Make a Tomato-Mango Smoothie.

Its important to become creative with blending. Try as many combinations as possible. Try as many fruits as possible. The possibilities are endless. I discovered so many good combos just by asking, I wonder how this and that taste together in a smoothie? I encourage you to do the same.

Do not think you need to open up a recipe book each time you want to make a smoothie or raw soup!

However, I must advise against the tomato-mango smoothie. I tried it once, and it is not a winner! (But who knows, you might like it...)

8- Thou Shall Avoid Using Frozen Fruits Too Often.

Most smoothie recipes I have seen in books include ice or frozen fruit. The reason is that it saves money to the restaurant preparing them, but also because people enjoy having cold drinks.

The problem with frozen foods, such as frozen bananas, berries, etc., is that they are very cold. Eating cold foods is the equivalent of putting an ice pack in your stomach. Digestion is slow, and indigestion follows.

If you want a cool drink, blend with cold water, instead of using ice. Occasionally, you may want to throw in a couple frozen bananas in your smoothies, but take your time eating it and dont swallow it cold at once.

9- Thou Shall Take Your Time to Enjoy Thy Blended Drink.

Blended foods are easy to eat, but they are also very concentrated. They are fast to prepare, and can also be fast to consume! The problem is that consuming blended foods too fast doesnt give your body the time to digest and assimilate them properly. You need to consider your blended foods food, not drinks. Take your time to enjoy them and your body will thank you for it.

10- Thou Shall Get a Copy of My Book Instant Raw Sensations

Ok, heres my little inside plug: since there was no good raw blending book, I had to write my own. At first, I wrote a booklet called Raw Soups, Salads & Smoothies, which is now available on my website when you order The Raw Secrets.

My latest and most useful collection of easy blended food recipes, as well as other raw recipes, is my book Instant Raw Sensations. It contains an entire chapter filled with smoothie recipes, another one with green smoothies, as well as recipes for raw soups and dressings. If you havent gotten your copy yet (it just started shipping this week), go to:

Frederic Patenaude, is the author of the book "The Raw Secrets". Sign up for his weekly "Raw Vegan Tips, and as a bonus, get your free "raw recipe of the week". Visit http://www.rawvegan.com while this bonus is still offered." Aidan Blog85290
Annamarie Blog1343

Create a Product in No Time at No Cost

Sometimes I get these sort of comments:

"I haven not got much time so how can I create a product to sell via the internet?"
"I have not got the expertise, so I cannot produce an ebook to sell, can I?"
"I have very little money; how can I afford to pay someone to create my product for me?"

What if I were to say - you can have it all! Create a product in a day. Get experts to write it for you - and they will be happy to - for nothing! And it will not even cost you to create your information product.

Now you can have it all! And here is how... In another article you may have seen me mention the website GoArticles.com There are hundreds of other article directories but I'll use this one for my example today as I tell you exactly what to do to create a high value ebook in no time. Owners of websites put articles on these directories so as to get free publicity for their website. They put a bit of information about themselves, or their website, at the bottom of their article and they actually WANT people to share their article so they will get MORE publicity. It is a smart way of marketing their website. These articles are often written by experts in their field. They are willing to put in the necessary effort to write these articles so they can reap the benefits of this free advertising for years to come.

Once at http://www.goarticles.com type in a key word for your niche (market, customer base, or group of people with a particular interest/problem they are willing to spend money on) into the search bar at the top right corner of the page. Make sure the search criteria is "search by content" as you will not get far if you search by author. Click the button and you will be suprised at how many articles there are for your particular niche - maybe hundreds, or possibly thousands!

Say I chose 'Persian Cats' as my niche and type this into the search bar. I might get 750+ articles. I now need to sift through them and find 75 different articles of the right quality. The next step is to cut and paste them in to a word processing document. Did I forget to say, this is dead easy?

You must find good quality articles. To produce ebook full of rubbish is simply going to get you payng lots of refunds. So only accept the best articles with excellent content from the start and you are set for success.

You MUST now get the authors permission to use their article in your ebook. Miss this step at your peril! Email each author and explain you are creating an ebook. You have found their article and you were so impressed you would love to use it in your ebook. Explain you will make sure thier information and link back to their website is included in the ebook so if anyone is interested they can follow up on the article. You could also ask if they have any other articles you might be interested in for inclusion into the ebook.

When sifting through the articles for inclusion, you might want to look for articles that look at different aspects of your chosen niche. For example, I might look for something on 'cat behaviour', cat nutrition', cat training (if there is such a thing?) and so on. These would make up the Chapters of your ebook. Once you have your replies from authors (usually 60-80% will be more than happy for you to include their article), you can refine your Chapter list. Try to be creative with this process.

So far, we have: (1) gone to an article directory and searched for articles using our chosen key words - i.e. 'Persian Cats'; (2) selected 75 decent quality articles making up various topic areas; (3) emailed the authors and asked for permission so as to stay on the right side of copywrite laws; (4) put the articles we have permission to use in to imaginative chapters or sections.

The last few steps are: to put your articles in a order; use the article names for your "Contents page"; and write a short introduction and conclusion. These only need to be a few paragraphs telling the reader what the book is about in broad terms. Don't forget to put your name on it and you become an expert, literally, overnight. You could also add a page or two at the front or back to sell your back-end products.

To turn it in to an ebook, you will need software to turn your word processed document into a PDF. Thankfully, you can get this for free from http://www.pimopdf.com/ Download the software and install it. Open your word processor; find your document with all the articles (already sorted in order, with a cover, contents page, introduction and conclusion, etc.) and click on "file", then "Print" and select "PrimoPDF" as your printer. You now have a PDF ebook!

That's it! Well done! You are now the owner and author of an information product you can sell. You will be be seen as an expert within your chosen niche and without having to write the book yourself, all within the a day (although you might have to wait a few days for the authors to reply with thier permission for you to use their articles). You could create an ebook empire very quickly and easily using this method and reap all the credit - and keep all the money! You can sell 1000s of the ebooks, or give them away as bunuses, sell 100s of them to others with resell rights... and it has not cost you a dime. Not bad for a day's work. :-)

Sarah Mcknight is an information publisher specialising in helping people create multiple streams of income. Go to www.sarasmoneymaker.com for FREE videos on internet marketing strategies to help you succeed online. Find out how to create your own info products in one day without writing a word - go to http://www.sarasmoneymaker.com/lightningcash.htmAmandi Blog99903
Allis Blog30938

Cope up with Financial Urgency with Personal Payday Loan

Personal payday loan provides financial assistance to an individual when his bank balance and savings are inadequate to meet the immediate expenses. They are basically a product of short term unsecured market fund.

Personal payday loans are designed in such a manner so that it can give financial support to an individual. And they get mature till his next payday. Generally, the term of payday loans varies from 15 days to 20 days but sometimes the lender can extend the term to the subsequent payday at the request of the borrower.

As said personal payday loan is the product of unsecured market fund, so there is no need to keep any collateral with the lender. Usually, the people not willing to place collateral or who are not in position to place collateral gets attracted towards personal payday loan.

Besides collateral, there are certain other factors which make an individual eligible for personal payday loan. They are:

Regular employment
Running bank account
Identity proof
Residence proof
Post dated cheques

In Personal payday loans the lender doesnt ask for collateral but in return of taking such high risk they charge high rate of interest. This is the also reason that why personal payday loans are known as expensive. As personal payday loan is expensive mode to satisfy financial needs so, it is suggested that it should be availed when the need is urgent.

Here, urgent implies that when there is no other option of finance is left.

Before availing personal payday loan the person must keep his eye open and consider all the clauses and terms of the loan deal. The person should ask the lender for loan quotes which will enable him to compare various offers of personal payday loan deals. Ensure that the loan deal doesnt carry hidden cost because it increases the cost of the loan. The person should always try to avail the loan deal with low annual percentage rate which ease the repayments of loan.

Last but not least, take into account whether its repayments suits your pocket or not. Then only go for personal payday loan.

Personal payday loans are available to any person that is whether with good credit score or bad credit score. But, it is also sure that the person with good credit score will definitely be offered with competitive rate of interest as compared to the person with poor credit score.

Just to wrap up, personal payday loans are the source of fund in emergency need of finance when savings and bank account of person doesnt support him.
Tess Ocean has been associated with Online-Payday-Loans-UK. Having completed her Masters in Finance from Yale University, School of Management. She provide useful advice through her articles that have been found very useful.To find Personal payday loans, online payday loan service, personal payday loan, payday loan uk, online payday loan application, bad credit payday loan, payday loan application, faxless payday loans, cheap payday loans in UK visit http://www.online-payday-loans-uk.co.uk/Annalena Blog84438
Aleda Blog4968

Responsible Refinancing: Tips To Avoid Predatory Lending

Homeowners interested in refinancing are probably aware of the dangers of predatory lending. But how do you recognize a predatory lender when you see one? How do you avoid the very real consequences of making a bad refinancing decision?

Predatory lending really means that a lender influences you to refinance your home in such a way that is not in your best financial interest. Homeowners often become blinded by perceived short-term benefits, losing sight of important long-term goals.

The number one mistake to avoid when refinancing your home is canceling too much equity. Youve worked hard to build equity in your home, and cash-out refinancing options can sometimes cancel every bit of it, making your home virtually worthless to you until you can build up equity again.

However, equity is what allows you to borrow against your home, so canceling some of your equity by refinancing is not always a bad decision. If you are refinancing to consolidate other debt, for instance, this could be a decision that will strengthen your financial situation for the future.

Cash-out refinancing allows you to take cash out of the loan at closing, and while this can be seen as an investment if the cash to be used for home improvement, it is absolutely detrimental if the homeowner spends the cash on something like a new car or boat. The homeowner has then wiped out equity in a home that will only increase in value, and traded it for something that begins depreciating immediately.

Predatory lenders take advantage of homeowners who have difficulty focusing on their long-term financial goals. If you are considering a cash-out refinancing option, ask yourself if your plans for that cash are going to help you reach your long term goals or not.

Refinancing a fixed rate mortgage (FRM) to an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) to take advantage of current low interest rates is another decision homeowners are likely to later regret. That low rate may look attractive now, but an adjustable rate mortgage is just that: adjustable. Interest rates could rise higher in the future than the rate on your current FRM. Lower monthly payments may seem like a great way to save money, but in the long-term you could end up paying thousands more on your new loan than you would have paid if youd stayed in the old one.

However, refinancing from an ARM to an FRM is usually a wise decision, even if the fixed rate is slightly higher than the current rate on the ARM. The idea behind refinancing to an FRM is that you lock yourself into an interest rate that you are comfortable with paying.

Refinancing to the same type of loan as the current mortgage for a lower interest rate is also a decision homeowners probably wont regret. Just be sure you intend to stay in your home long enough for the savings in interest to cover the cost of refinancing.

One other important safeguard against predatory lending is the Federal Truth in Lending Act, which guarantees borrowers who refinance on their primary residence a three day grace period to back out after closing, so long as they are refinancing with a different lender than the one who holds the current mortgage. This is called the right of rescission, and very few borrowers take advantage of it, but knowing you have the right to back out of a bad deal makes refinancing your home a little less stressful.

Robert Michael is a writer for Refinancing Ltd which is an excellent place to find refinancing links, resources and articles. For more information go to: http://www.refinancingltd.com.Ariel Blog90118
Antonietta Blog35642

5 Sure-Fire Boosts to Your Online Money-Making Success

Ok, youve purchased one of those money-maker products and its giving you all sorts of ideas for making money online. Now what?

Although its possible to generate Internet income without a website, youll eventually want one or even several so you can get listed in search results. But dont forget, search engines love to send visitors to content-rich websites, so youll want to cram your sites with useful information. Heres how it works Good content impresses your visitors, who are then coaxed into buying.

What can you do to boost your fledgling online business? Study and learn, and then keep studying and learning! I know it sounds like work, but competition on the Internet is fierce and soon only the very knowledgeable will succeed. You can make yourself one of the success stories.

Heres how to build a website business that will put more online cash in your pocket.

Step 1: Buy a product that includes a free, starter website.

Some money-making products offer a free website after you purchase the package. Its a great start for your Internet empire, so take advantage of the offer.

Recommended: Adwords Miracle, The Ultimate Wealth Package, The Rich Jerk.

Step 2: Use Adwords ads to get traffic to your website in a hurry.

Check out books from the library or book stores to get familiar with Google Adwords (that's the name of Google's pay-per-click (PPC) ad program). These ads appear in the Sponsored Links area, to the right of web search results.

How does Adwords work? You pick targeted keywords and write a brief ad to entice your visitors to click. Its the quickest way to get traffic to your website, but it will cost you. You bid on the keywords you want your ad to be listed for and pay the bid price each time a visitor clicks on your ad.

Recommended: If you have the money, buy at least one information product that teaches the basics of PPC advertising and gives you some insight into the techniques professional marketers use. Two excellent products are Adwords Miracle and Beating Adwords.

Step 3: Learn some HTML and put Adsense ads on your websites.

You will want to adjust and adapt your websites to add more income-producing content. For example, Google has a free program called Adsense where you place Google Adwords ads on your web pages. Google gives you the instructions making it easy to place Adsense ads on your web pages, as long as you know basic HTML.

Adsense ads are matched to the content on your pages so theyre relevant to your website and of interest to your visitors. If someone clicks on an Adsense ad from your website you get credit for the click at approximately 50% of the per-click cost the ad owner pays Google.

Heres the benefit of Adsense: if your visitors arent ready to buy the products on your website, they may want to click on a relevant Adsense ad instead. If they do, you get some income to offset the cost of any Adwords ad they clicked to get to your site in the first place. In fact, some people actually make a living from Adsense revenue. You could be one of them!

Recommended: Your public library has books and CD-ROMs that can train you in basic HTML. If you prefer online instruction, try the free courses at W3Schools: (http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_intro.asp). For Adsense information: (https://www.google.com/adsense/).

Step 4: Become fluent in SEO (Search Engine Optimization.)

This is a fancy phrase that simply means adjusting the content and some of the HTML to make your websites more appealing to search engines, like Google, Yahoo and MSN. Search engines look for keyword-rich content and certain HTML tags to determine the topic of your site. The more search engine friendly you make your website, the higher you will appear in the search results. But why bother, if youre forking-out cash to have Adwords ads send traffic to your site?

Consider this Statistics show that searchers trust and click normal search engine results more than Adwords ads. So, if you tweak your site a little bit you will eventually get FREE search placement. Instead of clicking on one of your expensive Adwords ads, a prospective customer will see your website listed in the general search results and click there instead. That, my friend, is a NO COST click! Well worth a little study and some massaging of your website content and HTML.

Recommended: SitePro News. Sign up for their free newsletter about site promotion and search engine optimization at http://www.sitepronews.com. This is a quality site that wont spam you.

Step 5: Repeat, then repeat again.

Once youve mastered the above strategies, you simply create more websites using what youve learned. Check the money-making product you originally bought for ideas for website topics and products to sell.

Your Strategy Summary.

Ok, lets review how the whole process works. Heres what you do:

(1) Buy a money-making product with a free website that jump-starts your online business.
(2) Use Adwords to generate quick traffic to your website.
(3) Put Adsense ads on your site to offset your Adwords costs.
(4) Tweak your HTML and website content to improve your search engine placement and visitor interest.
(5) Create more websites using the free site as a template and duplicate your success, over and over again.

Thats how money is made on the Internet. Theres no real trick to it, you simply go from one successful website to another, earning a little money from each one. With some study and a certain amount of work, youll eventually own a website empire that generates enough cash for you to make a comfortable online living.

Tom Thomas is an Internet marketer who reviews the best money-making products, domain name registrars, website hosting companies and online marketing tools. See his reviews at http://BestMoneyMakersGuide.comAshly Blog48762
Alicea Blog28598

Think Out Of The Box Think Global

Working from home is great it has so many advantages there are to many to list. The whole scope of the possibilities in mind blowing.

One of the most important things to realize now is that we are one big family. The whole world is on the Internet, so do not limit yourself to one area.

Think Global. When you look for a Home Business Opportunity on the Internet, start by thinking about the Global aspect. Understand that you maybe sitting in Australia or America or somewhere else, but that your customers are in China, Indonesia, London New York Barcelona etc.This puts a whole new slant on what you need in your business to make it work.

You need to think about it from their point of view. .Does the opportunity you are looking at have unlimited opportunities for international customers.

What are you selling does it need postage or have customs regulations? Are there easy banking facilities?

Some of the biggest and in fact the biggest success stories on the Internet come from people who have thought out of the box.

Products need to be downloadable, affiliate schemes need to have banking facilities available for them. What are you selling need to be user friendly... you need to have instant access in your program to help your customers all over the world.

These are the web sites that are producing the good in this day and age.

We a really one big family. The Farmer in Nairobi the Business Man in Paris the Teenage in Hawaii, all of them are potential buyers of you product.

Make sure what you are offering is acceptable and easy to use.

Ease of use is the vital part for success.

Many of your customers will not have English as their first languages; keep it all simple, easy, and user friendly etc.

So having said all that where do you start. Obviously you need an International program that deals with multiple strands of business and each strand must have an international strand.

I can not tell you how frustrated I got when years ago I was looking for a program. You would see something, think that looks good, do all the joining up bit and then come across USA AND CANADA only. Boring

So I am going to explain why and what you need to look for.

1. Something you find easy to use. Remember when you start you will have to explain the program to other people if you do not understand, it how can they?

2. Decide on a name for your Business and have Website name with a .com .You need to have world wide expose on Google.

2. A program with a reputation to die for (there are so many scams)

3.Do weeks and weeks of research. Would you go into a business in the High Street

If you did not have your facts?

4. Join something you can get into free. Of course there is no such thing as a free lunch and joining anything worthwhile will cost money. But the training you get from the course, provided by the program you have chosen will explain and advise what and when to buy something. But the final decision must always be yours.

5. Finally and the most important part of a Work from Home Business, do not expect to make a fortune in the first year. Do expect to have setting up costs it is a business for goodness sake.

Expect it to take time and as in any business your returns will built up and if you keep at it, and remember you have no overheads so you are at an immediate advantage.

You will soon find the money coming in and yourself building a very profitable business.

If I can do it so can you.Think how much time you spend on your computer why not make money with It.? Do it slowly, set it up in a business like manner and you will have an income for life. And I guarantee much shorter and more convenient hours than dashing of in all weather every day to a job.

Take a look at the following program: http://www.BarbaraCorcoran.biz/pips/html this covers all the points I have been making.

Take a short cut now and use all my years of hard work looking for the best...You will not be sorry. With this program that I am recommending, you will get a FREE Web site, a 30 day course under one of the best internet minds Stone Evans and a superb Support Team and Forum of other happy users.

If can help you further contact me on support@barbaracorcoran.biz I am always delighted to hear from you.

Copyright © Barbara Corcoran

Barbara CorcoranAlicea Blog28598
Averil Blog65013

Small Cash Loan Dashes the Cash

A small short-term loan that gives an individual an instant financial assistance in order to assists them with unexpected expenses that may arise in between middle of the month. For, a loan has been configured for the instant cash help. The help does not contain any pledge in lieu of procuring the loan. Small cash loan is not meant to satisfy long-term financial needs. By the help of this loan one can pay off all his due bills i.e., the pending phone bill, medical bills, childrens educational fees or more.

Small cash loan offers a sum of 500, though looking the inconvenience of the borrower this amount can be increased up to double as 1, 000 too. The borrower can avail the facility of the loan by a week, but in some special cases, it may be gone up to 4 weeks. As short-term in nature, the loan costs a pretty higher to other loans.

Once the individual submits complete application form and mentions all his personal information required for the small cash loan, the loan is approved, and the borrowers necessary cash is directly deposited into their bank accounts overnight. It is convenient, safe, and secret mode of money browsing.

Importantly, an applicant has to keep in mind before applying for the small cash loan. As the loan has designed for the UK residents, who may have crossed 18 years of age and has a permanent full-time job position. Besides this, the salaried applicant must have a net monthly income of at least 1, 200 that is deposited and withdrawn from regular bank account.

The money of the small cash loan is directly deposited into the concerned borrowers accounts via automated clearing house. And the same process of the loan amount repayment, the money is automatically taken out of the borrowers checking account on the next pay cheque. It is the best mode of procuring instant money for the borrowers long-term financial needs. And, small cash loan dashes the cash to the borrowers for their instant usages.

Olivia Maaret loans have recently began to play a strong part in deciding the financial future of general population. Olivia maaret can help you find the best loan at best interest rates.She is working with Cash Loan Online. To find Small Cash Loan, unsecured car loan, online cash loan, online payday cash loan, online personal cash loan, online fast cash loan visit http://www.cash-loans-online.co.ukAlmeda Blog92707
Anette Blog66447

Teaching Your Kids About Money

Children arent born with an understanding of how money works; all parents learn that one quickly. A young child sees the things they want or need just appear from Mommy and Daddy. The fact that Mommy or Daddy gave money to the sales clerk means nothing to them. So how do you teach your kids about money?

You have to consider your childs age first. My daughter, for example, is three, going on four. Right now she knows the names of the various coins, but the difference in value between a dollar and a quarter, for example, is completely unclear to her.

To help her learn, we are letting her spend just a little bit of money. We gave her a $3 budget to buy her baby brother a birthday present a couple months ago. She struggled quite a bit finding presents in her price range and had to settle for something other than what she had wanted to buy for him. Specifically, she wanted to buy a farm for him, but most of those we saw were in the $20 price range. She finally found a variety of small gifts that fit her budget. She was so delighted to be able to give the cashier the money we had given to her.

Now, obviously this taught her very little about the value of money. She didnt have to earn it, and she really didnt understand why some things cost too much. But it was a very early lesson in sticking to a budget.

You need to decide when you give your children money and why. Some parents prefer to give a regular allowance with no association with getting chores done, etc. Others have a set rate given provided chores are done, while still others have a set rate per chore completed. Theres no right or wrong way, but you do need to be clear on when your kids get money. Dont forget to consider ways in which your kids may earn extra money.

Also consider making rules on how allowance may be spent. Many families have their kids put their allowance in multiple containers - one for immediate use, one short term savings, one long term savings, one for charity, or any combination of containers. Saving money is a habit many parents have trouble keeping, but it is a great one to teach your children.

By the same token, try to avoid teaching your kids to rely too much on credit. Some parents will let their kids borrow money against their next allowance. Now, managing credit well is a vital skill, but it is one best saved for after kids have managed to learn how to save money well, in my opinion. On special family trips it may be appropriate to loan your child some money, but if it something that can easily be bought later it is far better that they learn the value of saving toward a goal.

But there are more ways to teach your kids about money than giving them an allowance. Talk to them about what things cost when you go to the grocery store. Go over what each item costs, and if buying by weight, explain how buying more means you pay more, and that you only want to buy what will actually be used. This is also a good time to teach them about quality, and how to look for the best produce. Children are very proud when they find food that is worth buying and may have a good eye for things once they have been taught what to look out for.

Dont forget to teach them about coupons! Once your child is old enough to not throw them around, he or she may be good at keeping track of your coupons and making sure you remember to use them.

As your kids get older you should help them to build a more realistic picture of what things cost. Have them write the checks out for your bills - or, if you have automatic payments as many people do nowadays, go over your statements from your various bills so that they can see how much everything is really costing you.

Managing money well is a vital life skill and one that children can begin to learn at a very young age. You dont have to have your finances in good order before setting a good example for your child. In fact, teaching good money habits to your child might just help you to take a look at how you are spending your money and help you to improve your habits. This is one habit that your kids will be grateful to have later!

Stephanie Foster's kids many not have mastered money yet, but she loves helping her kids learn about money. You can learn more parenting tactics at http://www.homewiththekids.com/family/.Ardith Blog43247
Arlinda Blog80560

'Big Change' in Elections Smokescreen to Pacify Public

The "big change" called for by Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, the new Speaker of the House, is nothing more than a political smokescreen to pacify Americans as, behind the scenes, the New World Order and Illuminati are still firmly in control over U.S. foreign and domestic policy.

This should be the headline in the New York Times but unfortunately the Vatican has a firm noose around the neck of the Times corporate owners, making them also complicit in treason against the people of the United States.

And a phone call to Pelosi's Washington D.C. office Friday illustrates how tough questions, tough question never asked by the traitors in the media never will be answered by slimy politicians until Vatican puppets like Pelosi, as well as the entire Senate and most all members of the House are removed by "the crook of the neck" and charged with treason along with their media buddies.

Before getting to the "tough questions," Drew from Pelosi's Washington office provided several politically correct answers for the easier, more common questions.

Repeal of the Patriot Act

"Congresswoman Pelosi has been opposed to the Patriot Act, but has not yet gone on record whether she will make it a priority to seek its repeal."

The War in Iraq

"She will seek to begin a troop withdrawal immediately and then a total withdrawal by the end of next year."

Robert Gates Nomination for Secretary of Defense

"Congresswoman Pelosi has gone on the record, saying Mr. Gates is well qualified for the position, but the Senate should look at him very closely before he is sworn in."

And hopefully Pelosi and others will contact Patricia Johnson-Holm of Seattle who claims Gates through his connection with the Preston, Gates and Ellis Seattle Law Firm was involved in a sex slavery ring on the West Coast, involved in kidnapping her son, David L. Johnson, involved with Jack Abramoff, involved with George H. Bush in the 80's when they illegally wire tapped Johnson-Holm, involved with illegal gun-running in Iraq and Iran through the connections of the Kenn Borek Airline Co. and his involvement with the Ft. Steilacom Apartment complex and illegal drug-running.

In response to Pelosi's statement, Johnson-Holm said: "These connections should open up a can of worms. But if you say America is in for a big change, then I hope the Senate uses its subpoena power to get to the bottom of Mr. Gates connections to all of my above allegations."

Bush Impeachment

"The Congresswoman has gone on the record saying she would not seek the impeachment of George W. Bush."

With the easy questions out of the way, here are some of the tough ones never asked by the media and never answered by the politicians. Let's see if Pelosi has the courage to answer the following in a forthright manner without sidestepping the issues or claiming ignorance. Although the following five questions are of a very general nature, they should open up a myriad of others. If you, the reader, have any specific questions for Pelosi, forward them to the Arctic Beacon as we will be contacting her office on a regular basis.

Question 1:

Will you present to the American people and to the entire House the Bush family connection to the Nazi Party, their treasonous dealings and their lack of loyalty to the United States as documented in the Congressional Record and the National Archives?

Question 2:

Do you believe 9/11 was an inside job and are you complicit in the cover-up or aware of anyone in the United States government complicit in the planning or cover-up of 9/11? Do you believe Communism was never a threat and

Question 3:

Do you believe the Vatican is in firm control of American policy, the Council on Foreign Relations and the entire United States Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches? Do you believe all the major leaders of the world work together for the glory of Rome and a future One Word Order brought about through the proliferation of genocide and war?

Question 4:

Is your role in the Illuminati and the New World Order to be the liberal shill who appeases the American Left? Are you, in reality, knowingly selling out your country for the future one world government and one world religion sponsored by the Vatican through its henchmen Jesuits?

Question 5:

Have you ever read about the Jesuit Order's connections with the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the poisoning of at least three other Presidents and the assassination of John F. Kennedy? Do you agree with President Reagan's decision to reinstitute diplomatic relations with the Vatican after more than 100 years due to its connection with the murder of Lincoln?

Greg Szymanski is an independent researcher, columnist, and radio talk show host. Visit his "last frontier of truth" at http://www.arcticbeacon.com and listen to his international radio show at http://www.gcnlive.com M-F from 4-6pm central.Anna Maria Blog58337
Alejandra Blog80209

Free Article Submission Software Gets You TONS Of Quality, 1-way Links!

Free Article Submission Software Gets You TONS Of Quality, 1-way Links!

Do you ever feel like you know just enough about Articles to be dangerous? Let's see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from Articles experts.

The information about Articles presented here will do one of two things: either it will reinforce what you know about Articles or it will teach you something new. Both are good outcomes.

With the search engine evolving each and every day, it's absolutely critical to not fall into the trap of following the latest and greatest craze for ranking highly in the search engines. Things such as cloaking, keyword stuffing, blog spamming etc. are things that worked at one time, but are definitely not something that will last in the long run. Your website will either get banned for doing something like that, or you simply won't get ranked anywhere and your effort will be in vain.

With that said, now is the time to start taking your business seriously. There are legitimate ways to increase your search engine ranking that will always be effective at not only increasing your search engine ranking, but also at building your credibility in your chosen niche, generating quality leads to your business, and not to mention, getting your name and business in front of lots of people around the world.

What's this method I'm referring to? Article Submission. Yes, you heard me right... Article Submission really isn't anything shockingly new, but the problem up until now has been the fact that although submitting your articles to article directories was an incredible way to increase your search engine rankings, it took one heck of a long time to actually find these directories, and then fill in all of the required criteria for submission.

This is where the brand new, free software program created by Brad Callen and Bryxen Software, Inc. comes into play. This software will allow you to submit your articles to literally hundreds of popular article directories all over the world. Only a few mouse clicks and you'll be able to instantly submit your articles. It's taken the tedious process of finding and filling out these submission forms, incredibly easy and fast.

To learn more about Article Submitter and how you can download a free copy, visit the link below:


But, please keep this to yourself, as I'd like to keep this our secret weapon :-)


John Miller

That's the latest from the Articles authorities. Once you're familiar with these ideas, you'll be ready to move to the next level.

John Miller has been involved in the marketing of a wide variety of products and services, ranging from tangible items such as electric wire and cable to services such as medical staffing. He has been successfully involved in internet marketing siince 2002, primarily in the Ebay marketplace. Throughout, he has been an enthusiastic student (investing considerable amounts of money) of non-Ebay online marketing programs.Alvera Blog99353
Alica Blog67319

Advanta Platinum Business Credit Card - A Single Account To Handle All Your Business Credit Needs

The Advanta Platinum Business Card is designed for you if you are a business owner looking to consolidate business expenses onto one credit card account. You don't have to pay any annual fee and the introductory APR is set at 0% on purchases and balance transfers for the first 12 months. After the expiry of the introductory APR, the APR for purchases and balance transfers is 14.24% variable which is Prime plus 5.99%. The APR is calculated on the maximum Prime Rate during a 90 day period. The APR for cash advances will vary according to your credit history and will be 5.99% or 11.74% + Prime Rate.

Through the reward program, you earn one point for every dollar spent on all purchases made with the Advanta Platinum Business Card and these points can be redeemed for various travel rewards or pre-paid bonus cards. Though there is no yearly limits to the number of points that you can earn yet the points expire in three years. If you prefer cash rebates instead of travel rewards, there is a rebate program available for you that gives cash back for purchases. Whether you choose the rebate program or cash back one, both are free. Many common Platinum Business features are found with this card, including auto rental insurance, extended warranty coverage, itemized expense reports and online account access. You can also take advantage of the discounts that are offered on various products and services from participating retailers and merchants.

With the Advanta Platinum Business Card you get a grace period of 20days and an exceptional business credit line of up to $50000, you also get $0 dollar fraud liability making life easy for you. If you are late in paying the bill you have to pay a late fee of $19 if your balance is less than $250 and if it is $250 or more then you have to pay $39 as the late fee. The over limit fee of the Advanta Platinum Business Card is $15 on balances under $501 and $29 if the balance crosses the $501 mark. The cash advance fee is set at 3%, a minimum of $5 and for convenience checks a maximum of $50. the same is set as the balance transfer fee as it is with the introductory offer.

To apply for the Advanta Platinum Business Card you only require very good credit and you can enjoy special savings on business products and services like discounts of up to 25% or more through the preferred arrangements with companies like Penny-Wise Office Products, IBM, Palo Alto Software and Ramada Inn.

The Advanta Platinum Business Card provides you with various internet account related services as well as online statements and management reports. The online account access helps you manage your account like requesting credit line increases; adding cardholders; requesting balance transfers and updating account information. You can pay your bills online and that too is free of cost, thus you not only save you time but money as well.

You also get a personalised business design, personalised business checks and a personalised billing date; hence with the Advanta Platinum Business Card you are the boss. The Advanta Platinum Business Card is accepted at over 28 million locations worldwide and with it you can access cash instantly from any ATM displaying the MasterCard, Cirrus or Maestro logos, so now you don't have to worry about carrying cash whenever you are on a trip, the whole world is your home. To top it all, the Advanta Platinum Business Card protects you automatically against theft and damage.

This article was brought to you courtesy of Anthony Samuel, the webmaster of http://www.apply-for-a-credit-card-now.com . A credit card directory where you can search, compare and apply for credit cards from leading credit card companies.Anna Maria Blog58337
Aubine Blog47562

Change How You Think About Having A Smaller List Today

"Money is in the list." How many times have you heard that? Would it be better if you can make money online without the list? It would, but it also means you are not going to get that 6 figure income anytime soon.

You need to know that your list is an asset for the rest of your life as long as you remain to make money online. Don't feel discourage when you see other people are having thousands of list - many lists does not mean you are going to make money online if the lists have a poor respond. In other words, it is not a targeted list.

Get at least 10 targeted people into your list everyday. In one month, it will grow until 300 people. If you maintain making money online for one year, your list will grow up to 3,600 people. One year to have that much is not bad at all. Why aim for the big fish that will not bite, while the small fish is waiting in line just to get hook?

Whatever it is, to make money online, by hook or by crook you will need your own list. You will have to be patience to get that list everyday. Here are several tips that you can use to increase the number of your lists.

Test a short copy format for your landing page. Depending on the information offered, you may be better avoiding a long, grandiose sales page. Instead, stick to some important bullet points and make an attempt to fit at least 15% of the opt-in form above the fold, so visitors can at least guess that it is coming up. You will make money online easily this way.

Create 'viral' videos. Each of these videos should contain some type of specific tip about your business and should refer watchers back to your site. It might even be a good idea to display the URL of your opt-in list in the corner of each video. Find partners who are interested in showing these videos to their list members and site visitors. Most business partners want to make money online by having a great tool to show to their list.

Start the marketing funnel for your list at free. Accept everyone, including tire kickers and people who only have marginal interest in your topic. From there, weed out the tire kickers from the serious buyers. Give your list members the option to upgrade to a higher-level membership, which offers more benefits or regular discounts.

Take what you have learned in this article and begin working now to get your own list. Just believe in yourself, you can make money online even with a smaller list. The trick is to take good care of your list all the time.

Izrul Fizal has made a living earning himself a residual income every month. Visit his website Make Money Online at http://make-money-online1.blogspot.com and http://www.highprofitbizz.com to find out how.Alexis Blog83774
Ann Blog73831

Are You Struggling To Make Money Online? Heres Help

Do you wish there was an easier way to make money online? Of course we all do. But while there are dozens of ways to make money online, still 95% of those starting up internet businesses fail.

One of the easiest ways to make money online is selling digital products. Digital products could be an ebook, an MP3, video or software. Selling these products is fast, easy and commands big profit margins. No inventories to watch, delivery trucks are non-existent and most of all it works 24 hrs a day 7 days a week. Really an entrepreneurs dream come true.

What are the exact steps involved to make money online with selling digital products? The following steps have been proven to be effective:

1. Choose the right product.

The first thing that you need to do is get a product that you can sell. Be certain that you choose the right product to sell. In choosing a product, you can either create your own or sell other peoples product. However, you must ensure that the product you will sell is in demand and that it is something that many people want or need.

You may check clickbank.com to see and get a feel of what products are in high demand. If youve been in the internet for three to four months and have been subscribing for those newsletters from sites you visited, then you may now have an idea of what topics attract large crowds. Subjects on golf, search engine traffic, weight loss, marketing, adsense, dog training, personal improvement and make money online have proven well overtime. There are some niche subjects which also have been drawing huge following.

Remember, the number of people looking for that particular topic, product or subject is extremely important. You cant make money online if only a handful is interested with that product you are trying to sell. The number of competitors also plays an important role. As much as possible, choose an area with lesser competition. If youre just starting out, it is hard to compete with guys who are the McDonalds of the industry. If youre a bit sophisticated, there are tools available to figure this out. You can try the keyword tools and look for topics that have been searched by volumes and volumes. These tools also provide you with the number of competing websites. There is wordtracker.com, inventory.overture.com that you can start with.

If you dont want to create your own product, you can easily find hundreds of products with master resale rights. What are master resale rights (MRR)? If you own a product with MRR, you have the right to sell it to others and keep all the profit for yourself! With master resale rights, the person who buys from you can also get the resale rights to the product.

There are also products with private label rights. Private label rights give you freedom to alter the product or change the content and put your name on it as the author or originator. You may try warriorforum.com and look at the warriors special offer (WSO) for great deals on resale rights.

2. Build your website.

Now dont scratch you head yet. You will not be building a full blown website but a very simple three page site. The pages are: Sales letter Page, Thank You Page and the Download Page. Trial and completely free web building softwares are available for download. Theres the 123WYSIWYG and NVU which are both easy to use. If youre not that tech driven then you can hire some college kids in your neighborhood who might be good at building websites. Or you can try elance.com and rentacoder.com to find somebody to do this. Just focus on your goal to make money online.

To accept payment, just use Paypal. Its easy to get. Using the standard Paypal button is okay. Paypal will ask you for the redirect page, in this case, use your Thank You Page. Don't put the download link there. Put an opt-in in box instead. Say that you will send the download link in the email. The opt-in box is extremely important if you want to build a business. You will have the chance to capture customer information here. You can make money online over and over again once you have a large list of customers.

In the email that goes out after a person subscribes to your opt-in, you will tell them where to download the product. Your download page should contain a link to your product with a few directions on how to download and how to use it. If you are selling an ebook in PDF format, tell them that Adobe Reader is required and point them where they can download it.

3. Generate traffic.

Once you have chosen your product and created your website, you must attract visitors. You cannot make money online if your site doesnt have visitors. You can get traffic to your website in many different ways. However, you want to be certain that you bring in the right kind of traffic. What is the right kind of traffic? Targeted! You want visitors to come to your site because they want to, not because they are forced to. You want visitors that are interested in your product.

One of the ways to attract traffic is search engine marketing (SEM). SEM is a set of marketing methods to increase the visibility of a website in search engine results pages. Yahoo and Google are the top two sites where most of the web searches come from. Experts estimate that Google account for 45% of the searches while Yahoo gets 30%. In order to make money online, your website must be listed in the top 30 results of the search engines. Do you think anyone would bother to look on page 97 of the results? or page 110?

Your sites ranking on the search engines will depend on how optimized it is with the keywords you choose and the number of competition it has. The lesser the competition for the specific keyword, the higher the chance of your site to get to the top of the search engines and the chance to make money online is significantly increased.

Another way to get visitors to your site, and this is the quickest one, is by pay per click advertising (PPC). You can try the Google adwords program, Miva and Goclick. Be very careful, however, as PPC advertising may burn your pockets and your plan to make money online would be affected. Make sure to set your daily budget when doing PPC.

These three simple steps to make money online when followed would get you the results you want. There are dozens of ways to make money online. What separates the successful online entrepreneur from a failure is focus and consistency of efforts. Most of the people starting to make money online get sidetracked with every new program that comes to them. If you want to make money online, choose one specific way, and then follow that way until you succeed. Dont jump from program to program. Author is giving FREE ebooks at http://www.homebusinesstoday.name

Alan Ocab specializes in teaching real people how to start profitable Internet businesses. To get instant access to some of his most profitable marketing campaigns, strategies, tools, and resources, visit his work at home website at http://www.grandstart.com.Andra Blog96444
Arlyne Blog37633

The Secret Psychology of a Pianist

As a professional concert pianist I have over time developed a secret psychology that helps me in any situation. You see, quite frankly I need a psychology that helps me because the music business is a tough business. If youre not sure you agree that it is tough then consider this; how many professional concert pianists do you know? Comparatively, how many doctors, lawyers, accountants, car salesmen, teachers or nurses do you know? Are you getting the picture?

The fact that very very few pianists actually make a professional concert career out of it shows us that it may not be that easy to do. Therefore, to keep going in an industry that continually turns talented pianists from aspiring concert professionals into teachers, one must develop a personal psychology to not only cope with the demands of the profession but, to keep going when all the odds say that its not possible.

My personal psychology includes focusing on four main areas which when developed can propel me forward regardless of the competition or the demands of the job itself. These are the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical parts of my life. However, it is the first three that I focus on the most. In fact, the mental, emotional and spiritual parts of myself that I do have control over are reflected in my physical world. My physical world is just a printout of how I am feeling mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

So, when I feel like its impossible to do something or achieve something in my career I turn to the three things that I can control. For example; lets say that I have a new concert opportunity coming up thats different than anything Ive ever done before. As a matter of fact this is true. In a few months Ill be performing an entire evenings concert of my own music with a professional orchestra. Thats right, I have to compose, arrange and practice nine movements of The Road to Santiago suite, a selection of songs that I wrote while walking a pilgrimage in 2004.

To many people this would seem like a huge undertaking. Well, it is. But, I dont really think of it that way. If I did, Id never get it done. I cannot for one moment allow myself to get drawn into any negative state of mind. Therefore to cope, I turn to my mental state, emotional state and spiritual state to get me through it.

How does this work? First of all lets focus on the mental state. My mental state means my logical mind. This is the part of my brain that draws upon its past experience to carry out the academic challenges of the job. In terms of my concert that would mean the preparation, practicing, business challenges and anything else that my brain has to figure out. To survive mentally with so many things going is only possible if I focus on one thing at a time. To achieve this I give one single a task 100% of my energy until its completed. Or, if Im practicing, I give one piece 100% of my energy until Ive learned it, then I do it again in 24 hours then again in 7 days. My retention rate for learning goes up 85% if I follow this formula.

Emotionally, its far easier for me to remember that the outcome is part of my journey. Will I get everything right? Probably not. I will learn many things on this project, some of which I do not care to learn. But, everything I learn will get tucked away in my toolbox to use for next time. My emotions will be easier to handle if I just remain calm about everything and not let others distract me from my true purpose, which is to do the best that I can do.

The spiritual parts of myself are most important in any situation. My belief system includes many teachings which I have adopted as my own truth. Examples of this are; I believe that everything happens for a reason. Therefore, no matter what happens up until the concert and no matter what happens during the concert, everything is perfect.

So far in this project many things have happened that I dont like. But, the spiritual parts of me know that it all comes out in the wash. I can push the envelope of a higher calling without having to worry about the outcome. The fact is if I shoot for the stars Im at least going to hit the moon. And, no matter what anyone says about me before, during or after this concert it doesnt matter. What really matters is that Im doing what Im supposed to be doing and Im going to learn something. Spiritually I believe that learning is the key to life itself. Otherwise, what would be the point?

If you are struggling in your own situation to find some answers consider adopting similar psychology. The, dive in and learn something. Youll be far better off than if you dont take the chance in the first place. Ive never written or performed nine symphonies before. But, to me, the only risk is not taking one.

Paul Tobey is a gifted entertainer and sought after concert pianist. He has several recordings to his credit and has written many articles and eBooks about the music business.Auria Blog65483
Ardith Blog43247

Jump Start Your Career In Real Estate

Have you ever stayed up late at night hoping to catch the infomercials on how to make it rich in real estate? No money down! Or spent endless hours reading this how to or that real estate success story book, maybe even gone to a boot camp or two? None of which have helped

I once read that if you read 7 books on a subject, that doing so, will make you an expert. I am not so sure it will but it does add a considerable amount of confidence to you as you prepare to introduce yourself to your new world.

What I find fascinating is that they all have a slight twist on the same goal.. The goal of buying real estate below market value, for as little money invested as possible, then selling for a profit. The American Dream Get rich in real estate We have all heard that the only way to become obnoxiously rich is to invest. In fact, when we are born we are slapped on the ass to breath and told get rich through buying real estate. No wonder why so many of us are choosing real estate as the means to wealth.

Every home type cable channel has their own version of the How Too Flip this, or Rehab that, programming that brags make more money than you have ever made before, and you dont even have to know how

I wish it were that simple.. It is/was for some of you I am sure and I imagine as you reflect on your beginning, as you tried figuring out your tomorrow, doing so was the most frightening battle you faced. But here you are, a success, the one that people will look at now and say, if he can do it, I can too.

As the year quickly approaches its end, I sit reflecting what I have accomplished and how to help those new investors who want so badly to create their paradigm shift on riches. What little hint or knowledge can I give to turn the light bulb on? Can you hear the rally yell, You can buy houses too?

And you can My wife, being a third grade teacher tells me all of the time, that the reason most dont jump in is because they like the security of knowing they have a paycheck coming and that their retirement is being taken care of, or that the health insurance coverage is too costly to give up. And I politely tell her, that in two weeks this month, I will have earned what it will take her all year to earn. I feel bad for those that have the attitude that they cant make the change because of fear. Fear is a great emotion, we can either let it stop us or we can use it to succeed.

Most investors dont Burn their Boat when they start most look at this career as a part time career at best. They keep their day job as a subsidy to their income until that big break. That one investment that will get them to go over the top.. That big deal

I understand that saying to your wife/husband, girlfriend/boyfriend honey I quite my job today and we are going to be rich is not something that easily flows out of ones lips.. I am also not so certain that entering into this career slowly isnt the best option for most investors.

So here you are ready to make millions. Eager and willing to do something, but what? What is the first step to fulfilling the promise given to us a birth?

This may sound so clich, but in my opinion you must set your goals first. You will not succeed by determining the amount of money you want to make, but instead what do you want out of this paradigm shift? Decide in the beginning those things that will drive you to success. Sure some are going to be physical possession but I bet some of them will be spiritual and mental.

So if you would, go grab your wife/husband, girlfriend/boyfriend and say these words to them Honey would it be okay if we started making more money? If their answer is yes then get into your car and drive. Stop by a store to buy

1. 24 x 36 poster board
2. Glue stick.
3. Set of magic markers
4. Scissors

After youre done buying your supplies drive to the neighborhood that you always wanted to live in, the ones that only those rich people can afford. Drive around and look for houses that are listed for sale. When you find them ask yourself if you would like to live there If the answer is YES then take a flyer out of the flyer box. Dont let size or price get in your way. BTW call the agent and make an appointment to see the inside

Then drive to the auto dealership and pick out the car you have always wanted Take it for a test drive, smell the interior What color is it? Pick out the accessories, from rims to navigational system. Dont forget satellite radio either. Find out how much it costsCASH get a Broacher on it.

Now drive to the chain bookstore, theyre open late so you wont have any problems getting in.. Walk over to the magazine section and start looking through the vacation magazines for that special vacation you have always wanted.. Dont tear that page out of the book, just pay the 4 or 5 bucks they want..

Now here is where it gets fun, there is something in that bookstore that you have always wanted. Maybe it is a how to book on loosing weight, maybe a book on the best colleges to send your children, even a book on your faith, what ever it is buy it.

Now find the section on real estate investing and buy the book with best cover Dont worry about content.. Maybe it says, Zero to a Million or Get Filthy Rich but it must say or show something that makes you inspired

Now walk over to the coffee area and sit down together and cut out the pictures of the vacation, and the other book. Cut the cover off of the investment book, cut the car out of the Broacher. Using the glue stick glue the pictures and cover onto your poster board not in any order just so they flow. I would put the cover of the investment book on top as I would want to focus on it all of the time.

Now on the top portion of the poster board write, these are my goals and I will achieve them.

Somewhere on one side write the words I am a great person and I am worthy of having nice things

On the other side write God loves me and wants me to become wealthy

On the bottom, each of you sign your name and put the date.

After you get home place your poster somewhere where you can see it everyday, and everyone else who comes over can see it too. Dont hide your goals from those who know and love you. AND dont hide them from yourself

I know this has nothing to do with real estate investing; you wanted some wisdom that would get you going. But I was reminded today as I began my journey to learn to swim a mile, its on my poster, as the young swimming instructor told me to cup my hands to hold water so that I could place my face, submerging my nose in the water and blow bubbles that learning starts with a desire.. We can not succeed unless we set a goal and follow a plan, sure there will be times that you will breath water up your nose and want to quit. Today my task to learn was blowing bubbles, tomorrow who knows but I will learn to swim a mile And you will learn to buy houses too!

Good Luck,
Michael Quarles

Michael Quarles is a successful real estate investor, broker and trainer located in Bakersfield, CA. http://www.REIU.com.Alli Blog79971
Alice Blog97555

The Secret to Becoming Rich

Napoleon Hill, the author of Think and Grow Rich, believes that a person does not have to be a genius to become rich. Any person can become wealthy if he thinks positively and has a deep desire to achieve his goal.

Positive Thinking: You must see your financial dreams and know that you will be able to attain them. You must already own them.

If you begin making up every rationalization under the sun why you can't succeed, pinch yourself. You have to discipline your body and mind to think positive thoughts. Teach yourself that those kind of thought patterns are unacceptable. You can obtain greatness, even if you are not the smartest, most talented, or best looking person in the world. Success is your if you'll just allow it to come into your life. Don't underestimate the power of your thoughts.

Burning Desire: Hill tells a true tale of a man named Edwin Barnes who desired to become Thomas Edison's partner. Most of us would have scoffed at him had we lived back then. Edwin Barnes was a nobody. Nevertheless, he had a deep desire, a life dream, and he was determined. He went to Thomas Edison and convinced him to hire him. He did not instantly achieve his dream, but he worked hard and ultimately became Thomas Edison's partner. This was a feat everyone thought was impossible.

Edwin Barnes followed these 7 steps to gain this great success:

1. Choose a definite dream.

2. Put all your energy into that dream.

3. Be willing to do menial work at first.

4. Visualize your dream.

5. Form a strategy.

6. Endure through the hard times.

7. Eliminate any way to retreat.

As you focus on obtaining your goals, answer these questions: What is the exact amount of money I want? What am I willing to sacrifice for it? What exact date do I want this money by? What is my strategy?

Don't forget, to successful people, there is no such thing as "defeat." What looks like defeat is no more than a great opportunity. Start creating opportunities out of failures and being successful today!

NOTE: Use of this article requires links to be intact.

To learn more about obtaining wealth visit our Rich Dad Poor Dad page. A college student herself, Elise Fisher enjoys writing articles to help college students learn more http://About-Student-Loans.com and other finance options.Alexandra Blog73509
Alyson Blog60850

I Won The Lottery! Or, Maybe Not

I must be the luckiest person alive. In the past three days I found out I won 1.5 Million Euros in the UK lottery, One Million Euros in the Winx International Lottery, 1.5 Million Euros in the 2007 E-Mail Lottery, and 500,000 Pounds in an e-mail lottery held by the Coca Cola Company. Wow! What did I do to receive all these riches?

The sad truth is there are actually people who fall for these schemes. For the promise of a quick buck (or million Euros as the case may be) people will turn over their bank account numbers, wire money in the hopes of getting more back, or give other information that could lead to identity theft.

These lottery and sweepstakes schemes have gone on long before the internet, with one of the oldest being the phony sweepstakes which required an entrance fee to claim your prize, which amounted to more than the prize was worth. Another variation of that scheme was requiring the potential winner to call a certain number to find out if he or she was a winner. The phone call cost the potential winner a certain amount per minute with an unusually-long wait time on hold. The real winner was the scamming company which made money off the phone calls.

Todays thieves have a wide choice of scam-delivery mechanisms, including in person, the mail, phone and internet. However, the same holds true no matter how the scam is delivered: if it sounds too good to be true, it is.

How Can You Recognize the Lottery or Sweepstakes Scam?

There are certainly legitimate lotteries and sweepstakes offers. Who hasnt bought a state or multi-state lottery ticket from their local lottery retailer? Or, who hasnt seen one of those sweepstakes offered by a recognized company advertising in the coupon section of the Sunday newspaper? You fill out the entry form or reasonable facsimile (usually a 3x5 card) with your name and address and send it off.

Therein is your biggest clue as to whether youre the victim of a scam. In a legitimate lottery or sweepstakes you have bought the ticket or entered your name and address. In a scam lottery or sweepstakes you are notified youve won when you havent even entered or bought a ticket.

In addition, its illegal to use the mail or telephone to play lotteries across borders, whether national or state lines. Any lottery offer involving the purchase of lottery tickets for other state or country lotteries could end up with you being charged with illegal activities.

One ploy used by foreign scammers involving lotteries or sweepstakes is offering you an advance on your winnings. The scam artist will send you a check for part of your winnings. All you have to do is wire them payment for taxes or other official purposes. By the time you find out their check has bounced the money you wired is in their hands. And, because it was wired its harder to trace.

Lottery scammers dont always use e-mail or the phone. Sometimes they do their dirty work in person. A typical scam would go something like this: You are approached in person by someone who claims he or she just won the lottery but isnt eligible to claim it. They offer to split the money with you if you claim the prize. Sounds good, right? Except that before you claim the prize from the lottery retailer you are required to withdraw some money from your account and give it to the ticket holder as a good-faith gesture. By the time you find out youre holding a non-winning lottery ticket, the thief is long-gone with your good-faith money.

In order to protect yourself from these scams, its important to remember the following:


Its illegal to use the mail or telephone to play lotteries across borders.

If you ever receive a phone call, letter or e-mail announcing you just won a lottery, its a scam.


Its illegal for a company to require you to pay to win or claim a sweepstakes prize.

Its illegal for a company to suggest that buying something will improve your chances of winning.

Companies cannot ask for money from you for taxes they say you owe on a sweepstakes winning.

Be cautious when entering sweepstakes from displays you see in malls often times these are people just wanting your name and address for a future sweepstakes scam.

Only enter sweepstakes from recognizable companies, and never pay a fee to enter.

Avoiding being the victim of a scam takes a healthy dose of skepticism. If you are ever unsure about the legitimacy of an offer made to you, you can call the National Fraud Information Centers Hotline at 1-800-876-7060.

Shari Hearn is a writer and creator of http://www.safetytips411.com and http://www.expecting-baby.netAlicea Blog7797
Ara Blog86025

The Working Parent's Home Office--Organization for Success

The Working Parents Home Office Organization for Success

If youre a parent that works at home, you already know about the ongoing conflict between your business and your family obligations. Home based businesses are rapidly becoming the norm in our world of high technology. As a parent, this is great news, as it allows you to be in the house with your kids while still creating a necessary income. So, when combining your work life with your home life, how do you find the proper balance, so each can be stable and successful? To begin with you need to have the correct tools at your disposal for whatever your work at home business is.

While this may sound easy, the lack of organization can be a death knell to your home based business. Beyond strong organization, youll also need to be able to communicate with your family effectively, set limitations, prioritize your day, stick to your commitments, and learn how to be flexible. Sounds like a lot, doesnt it? Its not only possible, its very manageable, and while the balance will rarely be perfect, optimizing your schedule and your office will lead you to not only a stronger business but a stronger family unit, as well. The following steps will help get you started:


Whether youre running an internet home based business or another type of work at home career, start with communication. Explain to your family what your home based business will require in order for it be streamlined. This is all about expectations, and may include establishing protocol for interruptions, discussing your normal working hours, and basic rules to be followed. Be ready to listen, question, and explain every detail fully.


Its essential to have the proper tools in order to work at home successfully. Be sure to have a strong internet connection (especially if you have an internet home based business), a dedicated telephone (it can be a cell phone), a place to keep files and notes so you can find them quickly, and a way of organizing your incoming work.


Your family is important and they are probably the main reason youre in a home based business to begin with. However, your children need to understand youre working even if youre only in the next room. Youll need to set limitations with them so they know how to approach you in non-emergency circumstances. You could designate a signal that will visually tell them you cannot be interrupted unless it is an emergency. This can be as simple as a closed door or a sign you hang outside of your office.


Invest in a calendar, whether the old-fashioned type or computer software, to use as a planning tool. This is one of the most important steps you can take if you work at home, because you need a place to pencil (or type) in appointments, school activities, deadlines, etc. Get into the habit of updating your planning tool throughout each day so you can set your priorities well in advance.


If you tell your son that youll be at his soccer game be there. If you tell a business associate you will be available to talk on a certain day and time, make sure you are. Your word is important within your family and your business so unless something happens that you cannot control, live up to what you say. If you do have to break a commitment, be open and honest about it and be ready with an alternate plan. If this happens it is essential that the alternate plans you made are adhered to.


As with anything in life, learning to be flexible will save you, your family, and your home based business unnecessary stress. Things happen in life, try to find different solutions and different methods when issues pop up.

A work at home office can truly make a difference in narrowing the gap between career and family, especially if the office is organized and the expectations with your family are firmly in place. Combined, it will allow you to remain the stabilizing force you need to be both in your home based business and in your family.

Ruby River is the proud owner of an established home business whose business affiliate is one of the oldest and continues to be the most successful within the billion-dollar personal development community. A genuine business opportunity promoting financial and emotional change is available without hype. Success is a Choice. Serious, entrepreneur minded, visit http://www.livegreatlife.comAnn Blog73831
Alysia Blog36650

Seven Simple Ways To Save Money On Gas

Looking for ways to save money on gas that wont require you to go out and spend more money just so you can save a few bucks at the pump.

If you have a perfectly good vehicle, then spending $25k on a new hybrid car just so you can save $10 when you fill up at the pump might not be such a good deal.

Also, if youre not the type that wants to install any of those gas saving devices in your car, then this list is for you.

Whether or not you have any mechanical skills, you can use these no brainier methods to start saving money on gas right now even if you dont know how to change a tire.

1 Get A Gas Card

Want a tip that will save you money every single time you fill up at the pump no matter what vehicle you drive? Its a gas card. Just about every major gas station offers their own brand of gas credit card that will allow you to save 3-5% on all your gas purchases at their gas stations. Forget about the branded gas cards and get one that will save you 5% on gas no matter where you fill up, like the Discover Open Road Card. Just remember, pay it off every month or it wont save you any money.

Saving 5% off every gallon of gas means that $3/gallon gas now costs only $2.85 and $4/gallon becomes $3.80. If you have a 25 gallon tank, youd save $3.75 every time you filled up ($3/gallon gas).

A lot of people use a credit card when filling up at the pump anyway since its easy and convenient. You may as well get a gas card so its easy, convenient, and saving you money.

2 Avoid Aggressive Driving

Hitting the gas hard when the light turns green and braking hard will make your car drink gas faster than a drunk at an open bar at a wedding. If you were to drive away from a stop at a more moderate pace, accelerate in traffic more slowly, and anticipate when youre going to need to brake ahead of time so you can do so slowly, youre going to save a lot of gas up to 37% about the same buying a hybrid car but this tip wont cost you anything. (oh yeah, its safer too)

3 Use Your Cruise Control

Personally, I wont buy a car if it doesnt have cruise control, since it means I dont have to worry so much about keeping my speed constant. However, cruise control also had the added benefit of saving you gas too. On average, youll save about 7% more gas than if you dont use cruise control.

4 Slow Down

Sure, going fast can be fun. It can also get you a nice collection of speeding tickets, but more importantly, the faster you drive the more gas you use. Im not saying that you need to drive like your grandmother, but slowing down from 75 to 65 can you 12% on you gas bill, and unless youre driving across the country, the time difference in getting where youre going will be minimal.

5 Stop Idling

Having the car running when its not moving wastes gas.

I remember being taught when I was first learning to drive that you should let your car warm up for a few minutes before driving it anywhere when its cold outside. While that may be true for older cars, modern cars dont need warm up time before being ready to drive. Dont drive like a maniac (see #2) before you car is completely warmed up and youll be fine.

If you going to be sitting and waiting some place without moving for more than about a minute, turn off the engine. It probably goes without saying that if you can avoid rush hour traffic, you should.

Also, one great place to sit and waste gas is your local fast food drive-thru. Get off your lazy butt, get out of your car and go inside to get your food.

6 Plan Ahead

Instead of driving to the gym, going home, driving to work, driving home, driving to the store, and then home again, start combining trips whenever possible. This is really easy to do if you just think ahead. Avoid just spontaneously hopping in the car and driving to the store to pick up some milk and eggs. Think about what else you can do if youre going to be out running errands anyway so that you can avoid another trip later.

5 You got legs useem

Really want to save money on gas? Then use your legs. A lot of trips arent really that far, and while it takes a little longer to walk somewhere than to drive there, its a good chance to get outside, get some fresh air and get some exercise in the process. Its really not necessary to drive absolutely everywhere unless you happen to live in the middle of nowhere. So get yourself a comfortable pair of tennis shoes and start walking instead of driving when you can.

Also, a bicycle is a nice compromise between the two, and can actually be faster to get some places than a car. I remember when I was in college and moved off campus although we lived almost 2 miles from campus, it was a lot faster for me to take my bicycle to go to class than to take my car.

Gary RuplingerAmalea Blog69201
Aubine Blog39078

An Overview Of Instant Messaging

A long, long time back, before the internet, people around the globe wrote letters to their not-so-near and dear ones and waited patiently for weeks for that letter to get delivered to the "right" person and then again started anticipating a reply equally fast. Some got delivered at the right address and some wandered off some other place. This was when internet had not been invented and the magic of email was not there. But today we live in a world of a changed picture. We experience different technologies everyday. Mobile phones have already changed some thing like telegraph by short message service or popularly known as the SMS. The same has happened to the letters of long gone days. We now have the email. What is even better with this is that it is not only much faster but also the efficiency with which it delivers messages is immense. Now there are no more waits of the postman. You just have to wait for the voice saying Youve got mail.

A large number of people around the globe maintain their friendships by online-messaging. Some of them are written to actually communicate and some to just pass time while doing other chores. If you don't know what I'm talking about you are in the rapidly shrinking minority who haven't heard of instant messaging. A slightly larger minority was heard of portals like Yahoo!, MSN but they don't know how to do it. But leaving the "how" to cyber-geeks, I'll try to address the "what" and, most important, the "why" instant messaging is a condensed and personalised version of online chatting or a faster and on the move version of emails. There are many mighty, theory-of-culture imbued, geeky definitions of instant messaging. I define instant messaging as a fast as well as current way to keep your not near but dear friends posted about yourselves on a more in-person level. Unlike e-mails, which are like dated narratives of the events that have happened in your life or probably the same question-answer way of trying to update ourselves on the other? Also better than the regular chatting as this is more personal and you can reach out to maximum people that too, without bothering about uninvited intruders.

In an era, when we like everything instant be it coffee, tea or noodles, instant messaging comes as the ultimate way of communication. Thanks to the likes of yahoo!, MSN and rediffbol, we are able to stay connected with friends and co. Saws towering phone bills and the annual, rare get together can be left for the Carpe-diem attitude of the next generation rather than then, 'catching-up' with each others annual reports.

And, the added bonus of switching to such an instant mode of life is that we can continue to do our work on the PC or minor work around the PC while messaging. All this at one go, just requiring a manageable typing speed.

The technophobes who call us weirdoes or geeks stuck to the "smaller idiot box" can go and take a hiding. With facilities such as shopping, calling, blogging banking and much more available on the net, why should messaging be left to mundane letters or mobile phones which leave us a lot of negative impressions including grunting parents? Email is the fast, easy and economical way to stay in touch with friends, and people you love without much hassles. In todays times even business relations are maintained through emails and this has brought a new dawn in the era of globalisation. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead get an email id today and experience the world of difference that too along with staying in touch with important people.

Rex Ryan maintains a website on Instant Messaging at: http://instant-messaging-review.infoAnn Blog73831
Adriana Blog46079

Do You Really Need Surveillance Equipment?

Dangnammit! Thats the third time this month that weve come up missing inventory.

Bob was clearly frustrated. His small electronics business couldnt afford to keep losing money on missing inventory. He knew it had to be one of his employees that was stealing from him, but which one? John had been with him for 6 years, Carrie had been here three years, and Jessie had been here for 6 months without incident.

The answer seemed obvious; Bob had to get one of those Hidden Cameras that he read about on the Internet. His store already had two Security Cameras, but the thief was avoiding them and not showing up on any of the surveillance tapes.

That night, Bob went on line and ordered a hidden camera that was disguised as a wall clock. No one would ever know to avoid this little piece of surveillance equipment because it was an actual working clock with the hidden camera built right in.

A week later when the clock arrived, Bob set it to the correct time, put it on the wall, and waited. It only took two days for him to get his answer. It wasnt an employee at all, it was his own teenage son stealing video recorders and CD players, and selling them to his friends for extra spending money. Bob thought to himself I dont know what that kid is doing with money I pay him for cleaning up around here, but hes going to be working for free for the next six months.

Hidden cameras have become very popular in recent years. Business owners often use surveillance equipment to keep an eye on employees or their store; they can help to protect the business from theft, vandalism, or just for keeping an eye on things. Parents can use nanny cams to make sure their children are being properly treated while theyre away.

Hidden cameras can come wireless or wired. Wireless hidden cameras use batteries for power, and transmit the images to a wireless receiver that can be set up to view what the hidden camera sees from up to mile away or more.

Wired cameras will have a physical wire running from the hidden camera to a Monitor, VCR or PC. The wired cameras are not limited by how long they can record for, but the length of the wires limits them to some degree as to where they can be placed.

To determine if you need a wireless or wired hidden camera, consider the length of time you will need to record. Will the batteries hold up long enough? Hidden cameras come in a variety of shapes and disguises. Choose a camera that goes well with the environment around so it will be unnoticeable. If its easily noticed, it cant really be considered a hidden camera.

There are many types of hidden cameras and surveillance equipment for all types of situations.

Nanny cams are just another name for hidden cameras. Even if you have a nanny that you feel you can trust, it doesn't hurt to have a nanny cam just to be sure that your children and home are safe. Their popularity grows with every news story about an abusive nanny or baby sitter. Hence the name Nanny Cam

The camera might be embedded in children's items such as teddy bears, baby wipe containers, dolls, etc. These items can be placed in the child's room next to other toys. There are also nanny cams for other rooms of the home, including clocks, radios, table lamps, picture frames, mirrors, VCR and DVD players, etc. Every room can have a nanny cam if needed. Just be warned that if your purpose of a hidden camera is to bring out the voyeur in you and spy on someone, you may be breaking a law depending on where you live.

Surveillance systems enable you to observe multiple locations through one localized system. If you need more than a few security cameras, consider a complete surveillance system. With a digital video recording system, your security cameras are set up in different locations and interconnected so you can view all the areas at the same time. You can expand your surveillance system as your business grows. There are also portable DVR surveillance systems for covert operations.

Dummy Cameras look like real security cameras and give an appearance that the area is under surveillance. Dummy cameras are not real security cameras but the thieves won't know if the camera is real or not. Many business owners often use dummy cameras as a deterrent to criminal activity.

Professional cameras are often used to survey large businesses or offices. They can be used inside or outside. Professional cameras can be mounted on wall brackets or ceiling brackets. Some are waterproof for outdoor surveillance, and some are even capable of viewing up to 40 or 50 in almost complete darkness.

Hidden cameras and security cameras are great for protecting your children, home, or business property.

You dont need to be paranoid to see how useful one of these security cameras or surveillance systems can be.

Steven Rubin is the owner of North American Security Products, LLC. A company dedicated to providing you with the means to protect and defend yourself against crime.Arden Blog97199
Anselma Blog25644

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